
Download whatsapp for pc windows 8 without bluestacks
Download whatsapp for pc windows 8 without bluestacks

From the above link, download the FaceTime APK to anywhere you like on your PC.Īfter the APK file has downloaded, follow the next steps.Now you will need to download the FaceTime APK file for BlueStacks: Step 2: Download FaceTime for PC APK File After following the above steps, you are ready to use BlueStacks on your PC.įollow the next steps to install FaceTime on BlueStacks.Setup BlueStacks by adding your Google account just like how you would set up an Android phone for the first time.

download whatsapp for pc windows 8 without bluestacks

  • Double click the BlueStacks installer file to install it on your PC.
  • On the BlueStacks website, select “Download BlueStacks” and download the installer anywhere you like on your PC.
  • If the above link does not work, try copying and pasting it into your web browser’s address bar.
  • You will need to install BlueStacks Android emulator on your Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 PC.
  • Headphones or speakers Step 1: Install BlueStacks on your PC.
  • Before you begin to download and install FaceTime for PC, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, make sure you have a PC with these recommended requirements: So to install FaceTime for OC, please follow each and every step in this tutorial. FaceTime is an Apple exclusive app, which means it is only available for Mac and iOS devices.įaceTime is not officially available for Android and Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. People can video chat with one another using their Apple devices and Apple IDs. FaceTime is a very popular video chatting app due to its HD video and incredible sound quality.

    download whatsapp for pc windows 8 without bluestacks

    It is available for iPhone, iPad and Mac devices. The best feature of any Apple device is FaceTime. Step 3: Install FaceTime For PC via Bluestacks.Step 2: Download FaceTime for PC APK File.

    Download whatsapp for pc windows 8 without bluestacks